



Dealer Statuses: What’s Most Important?

By: James Waite, Esq. and Rene Del Barco of JWL International   Most equipment dealers in the United States, as well as their lawyers, are aware of the fact that a vast array of federal, state and local laws, including dealer, franchise, antitrust, commercial, consumer

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The Case for a Bill of Sale

  Question: I sell new and used equipment. I usually don’t have buyers sign a separate contract or bill of sale because I have a provision in my rental contract that I believe covers sales. Is that enough or is there some reason I need

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Buying Assets or Equity

Question: I’m considering buying a competing equipment dealership. I’m being told that I should buy the assets rather than the equity of the target business because, if I do that, my company won’t assume any of the seller’s liabilities. Is that true?   Answer: For most business

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